研究概要Research Summary



Stem cells are defined as cells that have ability to self-renewal and generate mature cells of a particular tissue through differentiation. It is also known that the mechanism for acquiring and maintaining stem cell characteristics, so called “stemness”, plays an important role in the malignant progression and resistance to cancer therapy. The investigation of distinct and parallel roles of stemness in normal and cancer cells will contribute to the development of novel cancer therapy. Our group has been focusing on how the regulation of nutrient-driven metabolism controls cell fate determination of stem cells and cancer cells. For this purpose, we have examined the metabolic regulation from two perspectives: (1) the control of intracellular metabolism by the balance of anabolic and catabolic reactions; and (2) the control of organismal metabolic status by dietary intake of nutrients.

生体における代謝制御の重要性Critical roles of metabolic regulations for life


Nutrients are substances in food that are essential for biological activity in organisms and include carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, vitamins, and minerals. Nutrients are converted by the body into smaller molecules that are utilized for the set of life-sustaining chemical reactions called metabolism. Collectively, reactions that break down food or fuel to obtain energy are called catabolism, whereas the reactions by which larger molecules are synthesized from smaller ones are called anabolism. Anabolic reactions consume the energy produced by catabolic reactions, so that cooperative regulation of both processes is critical for maintaining life (Figure1). The organism employs a variety of measures to maintain homeostasis, the most prominent example being metabolic adaptation. In actively proliferating cells, efficient energy-producing pathways utilizing oxygen and sugar are used, and when these are depleted or absent, dynamic shifts in metabolic circuits that control the flow of carbon and nitrogen sources to nucleic acids, amino acids, and lipids (biomass) are activated to adapt for survival. On the other hand, the existence of unique metabolites, such as oncometabolites, which are intermediate or end products of metabolic pathways but directly act on epigenetics, redox, and signaling pathways to regulate cellular functions, is becoming clear. Such metabolites serve as driving forces that regulate various life phenomena such as survival, proliferation, differentiation, development, aging, and cancer.

(1)幹細胞特性に関する異化・同化などの代謝調節制御分子の特定と機能解析(1) Control of intracellular metabolism by the balance of anabolic and catabolic reactions

造血幹細胞を含むいくつかの組織幹細胞は,長期間の静止状態または休止状態を維持している。この状態の維持にはオートファジーやリソソーム分解プロセスなどの異化制御が深く関与していることが判明している(図1)。私たちは,造血幹細胞や白血病幹細胞において,栄養飢餓で重要なフォークヘッド転写因子FOXOやオートファジー制御分子ATG5が重要な役割を果たしていることを見出した(Cell Stem Cell 2007, Nature 2010, JCI 2012, PNAS 2014, BBRC 2017, Sci. Rep 2021)(「研究トピックス」へ)。また,脳腫瘍を対象に,mTOR,オートファジー,リソソームがどのような機能を果たしているか,治療薬探索の観点から研究を進め,これらの代謝経路が,がん悪性化因子あるいは治療標的としても重要であることを見出した(JBC 2016, Cancer Sci 2018, 2022)(「研究トピックス」へ)。

最近の研究で,がん治療中の再発の原因となるMinimal Residual Diseaseは,遺伝子変異が背景となるクローン由来とは別に,「休眠状態の誘導機構」の重要性が指摘された。興味深いことに,この休眠状態は,胎生期に生じるDiapauseと極めて類似した制御機構が背景にあることや, MycやmTORのような同化制御分子の抑制によりDiapause状態が惹起されることが知られている(図2)。我々は,異化状態で誘導される分子を同定し,抗がん剤耐性における役割の解明と阻害剤スクリーニングを実施した。現在,ヒット化合物やその類縁体のデータを基に,計算科学を用いた創薬研究の専門家とともに,スーパーコンピューターを用いた分子動態シミュレーションによる最適化を進めており,将来の治療耐性克服の実現に向けてプロジェクトを推進している。

Several tissue stem cells, including hematopoietic stem cells, maintain a prolonged quiescent or quiescent state, which is supported by catabolic regulation, including autophagy and lysosomal degradation processes (Figure 1). We found that the forkhead transcription factor FOXO, which is important in nutrient starvation, and the autophagy regulatory molecule ATG5 play key roles in HSCs and leukemia stem cells (Cell Stem Cell 2007, Nature 2010, JCI 2012, PNAS 2014, BBRC 2017, Sci. Rep 2021) “Research Topics”. As parallel projects, we have investigated roles of mTOR, autophagy, and lysosomes in malignant phenotypes of gliomas from the perspective of therapeutic drug discovery, and found that these metabolic regulators are important as cancer malignant factors or therapeutic targets (JBC 2016, Cancer Sci 2018, 2022) “Research Topics”.

It has recently been proposed that non-mutational drug resistance mechanisms underlie the survival of residual ‘drug tolerant persister’ (DTP) cancer cells, and that these DTPs display transcriptional and functional similarities to cells in “embryonic diapause” (Figure 2). Recently, we have identified a critical metabolic molecule induced by catabolic status, contributing to the induction of diapause state in cancer cells. We have started collaborative research for drug discovery to overcome the drug resistance, by using information technology, such as molecular simulation with a high-performance supercomputer. We believe that delving into how cancer behavior is influenced by nutrient-driven metabolism leads to the development of novel therapeutics useful for treating a variety of cancers.

(2)食餌中の栄養素の変動がもたらす全身的代謝変動と幹細胞制御(2)Diet and stem cell behaviors

食生活が起因となる全身的栄養環境の変化は,生理的で長期的な要因として組織の恒常性に強く影響を与える。最近の研究により,肥満や高脂肪食などの異常な食餌が,造血幹細胞の運命決定に深く関与していることが知られるようになった(図3)。我々は,高脂肪食の長期摂取が,腸内細菌を介して造血幹細胞・多能性前駆細胞の異常な自己複製を促し,造血器腫瘍の増悪促進に寄与することを見出した (Cell Stem Cell 2018) (「研究トピックス」へ)。現在,そのメカニズムの理解を目的に,アンターゲットメタボロームを実施し,食餌によって有意に変動する代謝物の同定を目指している。代謝物の機能解析を試み,腸内細菌由来代謝物の中に,高脂肪食によって惹起される造血幹細胞や前駆細胞の異常を抑制する化合物が存在することを見出しつつある。現在,更なる候補代謝物の特定や幹細胞制御メカニズムの解析を進めている。さらに,免疫細胞,脂肪細胞などを含め,幹細胞を取り巻く微小環境の役割についても解析を進めている。

Diet is the most common, physiological and long-term stimulus influencing tissue homeostasis. Recent studies have revealed that obesity induced by consumption of a fat-rich diet triggers abnormal hematopoiesis (Figure 3). We previously discovered an important mechanism by which hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) are protected against the ill effects caused by the dysbiosis (microbial imbalance) of gut microbiota induced by a high fat diet (HFD) (Tadokoro et al., Cell Stem Cell 2018) “Research Topics”. We have been investigating the nature of the "pathological" microenvironments regulating HSCs (HSC niche) created by diet-related metabolites to understand how diet affects hematopoiesis. By multiple metabolomics analyses, we have found that several microbiota derived metabolites which are remarkably down- or up-regulated by HFD, followed by further investigation of functions of the candidate metabolites. We are currently investigating mechanisms of the functional metabolites to prevention or treatment of diseases, which are strongly affected by diet.